Let me start by saying that I'm a huge fan of Diablo Cody's work. Obviously by that, I mean that I am a fan of 'Juno'. Not only did that film paint a poignant picture of modern-day middle-America, but it said to a generation of freaks and geeks (pardon me) that tattooed or not, alternative culture has not been forgotten about! On the contrary, it's thriving, and 'Jennifer's Body' proves that (by the soundtrack alone, but we'll get to that later).
Whereas the post-Hughes teen movie has digressed into disarray, with cringe worthy films such as 'I Love You, Beth Cooper' hitting our screens this year, Diablo Cody single-handedly reinvented teen angst when she wrote 'Juno.' She won a Best Original Screenplay statuette for her efforts, and impressive lead Ellen Page was also nominated for her role as the unexpectedly pregnant Juno. Now, with Oscar success comes major studio backing. In short, while your first film is produced by Fox Searchlight, your second film is produced by 20th Century Fox. See where I'm going?
To say I'm a huge fan of Megan Fox's work would be a lie. While there was speculation that 'Jennifer's Body' would flatten her Michael Bay-ed reputation as, and I quote, 'a terrible actress', Fox's performance does nothing but reiterate the fact that Diablo Cody is a genius. Lest we forget that a mere 6 years ago, she was credited for the role of 'Stars-and-Stripes Bikini Kid Dancing Under Waterfall' in 'Bad Boys II'.
In her first outing since 'Revenge of the Fallen', Fox plays Jennifer. She's a literal man-eater. A shallow bitch (for want of a better word) who looks down on those around her, notably her best friend since childhood played by Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia). She is a hollow shell who plays off the fact that she was voted FHM's Sexiest Woman of 2008 and Empire's Hottest Woman in Hollywood. No, wait, that's Megan Fox! Sorry, I'm meant to be describing the character she's portraying.
Cody wrote this role for Fox. That much is evident. To be honest, I don't think Cody was expecting any more from Fox than she gives in 'Jennifer's Body'. Thankfully, we have Seyfried and Adam 'Thank You For Smoking' Brody (who am I kidding, we all know he rocked the hell out of The OC almost as much as Peter Gallagher) on board to contribute to this film actually being rather good.
Seyfried is impressive as our post-modern heroine, 'Needy', and she didn't have to recite a single Abba hit! Ergo, I have been a bold 23 year-old male and gone so far as to choose Amanda Seyfried as my 'Jennifer's Body Blog Image'. Yes, that's a real title. I bestow it, not you. Jokes aside, I did find myself focusing on the heroine rather than the hottie. Not to say Amanda Seyfried isn't hot, because she is.
Rather than being a scaredy cat, screaming or crying the majority of her lines (this being a pseudo-horror), Needy is a character that cares about her family, her boyfriend and her best friend more than anything in the world, regardless of the fact that the latter is a freaking demon who mutilates teenage boys and leaves them rotting in a forest only to be stumbled upon by a Jew-permed JK Simmons being snacked on by deer. Point being, she'd rather root out the problems and try to help her loved ones rectify their situations than see them straying from the path, being someone they're not, or hurting (inside or other people). Even after she learns that Jennifer is a brutal murderer, she still has Jennifer's interests at heart. She wants her best friend back. And it is in this heart, that we find what we are looking for in Diablo Cody's first major studio outing. It's there, as green as the grass, you just have to look past Fox's fit arse and All Time Fudging Low.
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